Category: Archived news

Dani otvoreni računalnih sustava / Croatian Linux users' conference

Talk announcement – Opening up algorithmic systems to public scrutiny by Brenno de Winter and Willy Tadema

Brenno de Winter (Chief Security and Privacy Operations at the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport) and Willy Tadema ( data science and AI ethics lead at the Dutch ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations) will hold a talk about how the Dutch government wants to create and use algorithms in a responsible and…
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Talk announcement – How to connect IoT to eduroam WiFi network by Dubravko Penezić

Dubravko Penezić head of the eduroam service will hold a talk about connecting IoT to the WiFi network and how much of a challenging task that is while presenting with lifelong questions like : Is it possible to connect all IoT to eduroam, if not which one is and how ? Did that broke any…
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Talk announcement – Just don’t do it – Databases in Kubernetes by Jan Karremans

Jan Karremans EDB’s Chief Evangelist, providing in-depth insights and on PostgreSQL will hold a talk that will take you on exploration of Cloud Native, Data on Kubernetes, why databases in containers make much sense, and why much of the fear is from a previous era. In this talk, you will see why more and more organizations…
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Talk announcement – How we created a cool little Linux device by Domagoj Karl

Domagoj Karl software engineer at Automotive Rimac Technology will hold a talk about that will show how they “redeveloped the wheel” of turning the car on and completely changing the car’s behavior by adding a simple Linux device to be the main interaction with a car even though it can fit in the palm of…
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Talk announcement –  Linux and free software in video production by David Dubrović

David Dubrović owner of video production business will hold a talk about Overview of Linux based and open source video production tools and workflows while asking daring questions like “Video production is usually thought of as ‘it belongs on a Mac’, but is that so?”

Talk announcement – Lessons from our infrastructure journey by Ievgen Pyrogov

Ievgen Pyrogov software engineer at Contractbook will hold a talk about a story of the many things infrastructure at Contractbook: what state (and why) it was back in a day, what kind of challenges it faced as the company grew, and what where the triggers that helped it evolve. The talk will also cover current…
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Talk announcement – What the Geeko Foundation is trying to achieve by Douglas DeMaio

Douglas DeMaio manager and board member for the openSUSE Project will hold a talk that will go over the purpose of the Geeko Foundation and what it is trying to achieve for the betterment of open-source projects and education. From infrastructure to services and donations to branding, the talk will look at the importance of…
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DORS/CLUC Discount on all tickets!

Don’t miss out on 10% discount on all tickets using code : DC23USKRS They’re on discount until 12.04.2023 Press HERE to buy tickets! Hurry before the discount runs out!

Talk announcement – Open Source in the dental practice – challenges and solutions by Damir Ivanković

Damir Ivanković  head of the Computing Centre at the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries in Split will hold a talk about use of web-based applications and Linux OS in dental practice and how Web-based applications open up many new possibilities for electronic patient records.

Talk announcement – Apache Kafka Universe by Igor Buzatović

Igor Buzatović Principal Software Engineer and data streaming platform Tech Lead at Porsche Digital Croatia d.o.o will hold a talk about Kafka ecosystem that provides other tools to build highly available, fault tolerant, real-time data pipelines without coding too much. In this talk, you will see an overview of Kafka ecosystem and how each component…
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