Open Source Metaverse

Open Source Metaverse

May 16, 2024 from 5:05 pm to 5:35 pm

Speaker: Josip Almasi

Best thing that happened to IT in 21st century is death of Microsoft Internet Explorer: ever since, web just works! Including WebXR, WebRTC, Web Speech API, WebSockets and all other open standards that allow for truly cross-platform, interoperable 3D web. That usually goes by the name Metaverse ever since Zuckerberg changed his company name.
I’m going to show you around an open source VR server that I wrote, with plenty of nice pictures, and take a peek inside, like architecture and stuff, with some boxes and arrows. But you can try the demo on any time, or get the code on github and tinker with it yourself. It’s nothing spectacular anyway, rather usual javascript/java web app.